
Released 23-Dec-2024

Release Notes



SAFE can now design composite beams with large web openings per the provisions of SCI Publication 355 and of Eurocode 3 - Design of Steel Structures - Part 1-13. This includes beams with a regular I-section and discrete openings as well as castellated and cellular beams.



The CSI Analysis Reference Manual has been updated to include content for minor existing features that were previously only described in the Help, as well as for style and improved ability to search within the PDF file.

Application Programming Interface (API)


New API functions have been added to allow export and import of the model text file (.f2k) or the database tables to Excel, Access, Text, or XML file.

22.2.0 | 22.3.0

Released 18-Oct-2024

Release Notes

Structural Model


The following enhancements of the various spring properties definitions have been added:

  • Linear, Gap, Hook, and Multi-linear Elastic link properties are now available in the program for use in specification of spring properties.
  • • It’s now possible to directly specify nonlinearity for point springs, or to base the nonlinearity on an existing Link property.
  • • For line and area spring properties, spring stiffness and nonlinearity can now be either directly entered by the user or based on an existing Link property.



Composite Beam Design codes have been added for the Indian IS 11384:2022 and the Chinese GB50017 codes.


The formatting of the punching-shear design report has been enhanced for all codes. The report now shows a detailed design procedure that includes all the implemented equations with references to the code.

User Interface


An enhancement has been added to display objects by color based on the spring properties assigned to them. This option for display is available under View > Set Display Options. If an object does not have any spring assignment, it is shown in dark gray color.


Overwrites and detailing information for concrete beams and slab design strips can now be viewed in the right click information forms.

22.0.0 | 22.1.0

Released 13-Jul-2024

Release Notes



Serviceability assessment of steel-framed floor systems subjected to walking vibrations according to AISC Design Guide 11, Chapter 7 has been added.



An enhancement was made to show the effects of joint offset assignments for slabs (when shown in an extruded view). Joint offsets can be assigned using the command Assign > Shell > Insertion Point. The effect of the cardinal point was previously included in extruded views, but not the additional joint offsets.

Structural Model


Conversion of curved concrete beams to shell slabs is now available. Previously, only straight beams could be converted.



Composite beam design per AISC 360-22 design code has been added.

Material Libraries & Databases


New frame section libraries have been added conforming to AISC Shapes Database v16.0.

Application Programming Interface (API)


The SAFE API has been updated to support .NET 8.


Released 30-Nov-2023

Release Notes

User Interface


An enhancement has been implemented to allow drawing a linear tendon throughout between two points. Two options are now available in the Drawing Properties window for the vertical profile when drawing a tendon: Linear Throughout and Program Determined (current default).

Cloud Sign-in Licensing


Cloud Sign-in licensing is now available

  1. • Access CSI software using secure user credentials — no more activation keys
  2. • Access licenses anywhere with internet access
  3. • Option to create License Groups to manage who has access to your licenses
  4. • Option to remotely terminate an active license session
  5. • Option to federate your identity provider (IdP), allowing users to use their familiar company credentials instead

Cloud Sign-in Licensing Details


Released 14-Aug-2023

Release Notes

Data Files


JGJ/T 483-2020 high-strength steel materials have been added to the Chinese material library.

Drafting and Editing


An enhancement has been implemented to allow drawing of objects in the graphical user interface using a snap-only option. When enabled, objects may be drawn only if the cursor snaps to an item, which can be used in combination with various snap options to accurately control placement of objects.

Output and Display


An enhancement has been made to speed up display of strip forces, strip-force tables, and concrete slab design on models with many load combinations.


Released 6-Apr-2023

Release Notes



Detailing of concrete and steel structures, as well as the production and management of schematic design drawings, is now available from a new Detailing menu inside SAFE.


Detailed reinforcement from beams and slabs can now be exported from SAFE to Autodesk® Revit® through the CSiXRevitTM 2023 plugin to Revit 2023.



Tributary PT tendons are now accounted for in finite element-based design of slabs and cracked-slab deflection analysis (short- and long-term).

Output and Display


Cracked-section modifiers for beam and floor objects are now included in the database tables.


Released 1-Jul-2022

Release Notes



The concrete code “CSA A23.3-19” has been added for reinforced-concrete and post-tensioned slab design.


Reinforced-concrete and post-tensioned slab design have been updated for the NZS 3101-06 code to accommodate Amendments 1 to 3.


A new concrete slab design preference is available for the "ACI 318-19" code to optionally set the depth-dependent shear-strength reduction factor, Lambda_s, to 1.0 for mats and footings per ACI 318-19


Concrete frame design now reports and displays the longitudinal rebar required for detailing due to torsion and shear, in addition to the flexural rebar previously reported for detailing purposes.

Structural Model


A built-in material library has been added for Canada with steel materials per the CSA G40.20-13/G40.21-13 standard, concrete materials per the CSA A23.3 standard, and rebar materials per the CSA G30.18:21 standard.

Output and Display


Integrated wall reactions are now available for graphical display and in a new database table.


The display of tendon control points has been enhanced to show all control points within each span, and to display the vertical offset distance of tendon control points from the bottom of the slab (or drop, if present).


Soil pressures are now available in the database tables on a joint-by-joint basis in addition to the enveloped values previously available on a slab-panel basis.

Application Programming Interface (API)


The following enhancements have been made to the Application Programming Interface (API):

  • • The client can attach to any running instance of SAFE given its process ID.
  • • A new command "Set as active instance for API" has been added to the Tools menu.
  • • A new interface cPluginContract has been added to simplify plugin development.
  • • Speed has been improved for external .NET clients that call the API by chaining properties and methods in deeply nested loops.


Released 31-Mar-2022

Release Notes


20.2.0_SAF_CSA S16-19_composite_design

The CSA S16-19 code has been added for composite beam design.

Structural Model


The age of concrete at which loading is applied can now be specified for long-term cracked-section analysis. Previously, the age at loading was assumed to be 7 days.



Analysis and design will now be automatically rerun if cracked short-term or long-term deflection analysis is requested and a previous design to determine the amount of required rebar is not available.



Extruded views have been enhanced to show joint-offset overwrites for shell area objects.